Somebody knew.

In the cold nights,
You used to be by my side
Always holding me tight.

Your arms looked like a cage,
But I knew
It was a safe place.

My skin under yours
Your skin under mine
It was like this,
Until the sunrise.

You whispered in my ear
All I wanted to hear
And I started to feel
That I was finally healed.

Now you go back to where you from
I don't know where I belong,
To your arms or to the world?
I think is to Love.

(Texto escrito por Ingrid Sodré)

3 comentários:

  1. Wow, que texto bonito. É seu? Se for, parabéns. Adorei e me identifiquei. rs
    Obrigada pela vista no meu blog.

  2. Olá =)

    Adorei esse texto. Me lembra uma letra de música sabe?! Pela estrutura dele eu acho, rs. Me identifiquei *-*

    Beijos, Rob

  3. Gostei muito do texto, até o inglês é de fácil compreensão.
    Adorei ^.^
